Personally I would rather have the Easter Bunny as pictured in my basket.

Remember all the GAYS crucified on crosses in many cultures instead of the one MAN crucified by the Romans to appease the Jehovah fearing Jews of the time.
As to the Final would you like to see all the players playing naked instead in those awful long shorts that they wear now days. At least years ago you got to see a jock strap full of a guys sex once in a while! And, fuck those players in any sport that look up and thank god or jesus because they scored....You and your testosterone are the one that scored with no help except from your teammates motherfucker.....remember that and YOU will be a much better person in life. Have good MORALS, play hard, be hard, and guide yourself to a good life based on your wants and needs not those of a religion. Worship your cock, not one that rotted long ago.